Master yourself

Winter Raja

 Focus absorb and Enquire 

In Mastery we Rewire 

Chakra Meditation Week Highlights

06:00 – Chakra Meditation, Affirmations, Mudra, Chakra Breathing, Seed chanting

07:00 – Guided Chakra Healing Yoga Practice

08:30 – Herbal Tea and Fruit

09:30 – Meditation Philosophy and Mind wellness workshops

10:30 – Sattvic Vegetarian Brunch

12:30 – In-depth Chakra Anatomy & Theory Workshops

13:30 – Free Time for relaxation, massage, exploration

18:00 – Evening Dinner

19:30 – Evening Guided Chakra Meditations, affirmations, Nidra and Relaxation

Morning Subtle Energy Practice

Each morning and evening of our Winter Raja Program will bring you in touch with the different chakras on a subtle level by helping you locate the Chakra and identify any mental emotional blockages that might be associated through use if meditation, affirmations, chakra breathing, Chakra colour visualisation and chakra seed sound chanting.

It can be a profound journey for most to look deeply inside in a systematic way and can make way for release and revelation about oneself. Those who are sensitive will also begin to recognise how an open or closed, excessive or deplete chakra feels and how it affects our outlook, behaviour and action.

These are simple yet vital skills that all can benefit from, a simple check-in each day to make sure our energy is flowing in a balanced way.

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Chakra Healing Hatha Practices

The Yoga Asana of our Winter Raja Program is more akin to the subtle traditional hatha practices, where postures are held active, steady, yet at ease and in stillness to encourage subtle energy to flow in the various energy winds through the workings of the posture.

Students will experience the subtler impact of each posture in relation to the Chakras in a meditative perspective and begin to understand how postures can be utilised to master the subtle mental and bodily function.

The more open, supple and receptive the body is, the more it is able to sense and direct the energy flow throughout. That is why, this meditative approach to asana falls in our final week, so that students first move through the initial therapy, strengthening and softening work on the body to prepare it for meditation and subtler work.

In depth Meditation & Chakra awareness workshops

In our philosophy workshops, we will dive deeper into meditation teachings from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and share his key teachings on the 8 limbs, aspects of mind and the steps to liberation. We will also review different meditation approaches and techniques and their implications so that students feel more confident to approach meditation once settled back at home.

Our Chakra workshops we will delineate the location, anatomy and functions of each Chakra on a mental emotional and physical level and discuss how imbalances might be recognised. We will explore together the Chakra's: colour, element, sense organ, physical organs, seed sound, mudras, affirmations, emotions, deities, and visualisations that can help to bring balance to our energy centres.

I met Yan and Amit at a Yoga Teacher’s training course in Goa. It was an incredible experience. For me, what stood them apart was the generosity and integrity of their knowledge. Both were willing to give of themselves to their students; a valuable gift from any teacher. I hope to have more collaborations with them in the future and wish them the best on their path.

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All you need to know about our
Winter Raja Immersion Retreat

Learning Outcomes:


Subtle Energy Series

Over 6 sessions you will:

– Learn to locate each Chakra in the body

– Practice seed sound chanting

– Experience Chakra breathing

– Explore different affirmations for each Chakra

– Practice colour and element visualisation

– Experience what memories and emotions may be in relation to your Chakras


Guided Hatha Yoga practice

Over 6 sessions you will:

– Explore different active and passive postures in relation to each Chakra

– Sense the activity of the Chakra in each pose

– Explore how each posture helps bring awareness and balance to each Chakra

– Learn what it means to maintain postures with strong conviction

– Go subtler into the energetic experience of the posture


Philosophy Workshops

Over 6 sessions you will:

– Review the 4 chapters of the Yoga Sutras

– Understand the 8 limbs of Yoga

– Understand the purpose of Meditation and where it leads

– Learn about the mind and aspects of Mind


Chakra Awareness workshops

Over 6 sessions you will:

– Understand the deeper functioning of the body through the Chakra system

– Understand the spectrum of feelings and emotions in relation to the Chakras

– Learn how to use the various tools to balance your Chakras

– Learn different meditation techniques.


Evening guided Relaxation, Yoga Nidra, Pranayama and Meditation

In the evenings, the focus will be again on the Chakras, helping you to connect deeply and bring balance to a different Chakra each evening before bed. 


Day 1: Check in

Day 2 – 7: Six Retreat Days

Day 8: Check out

Make it a teacher training!
Winter Raja 50 hr Yoga Program


For new teachers who would love to add additional teaching skills and knowledge to their yoga toolbox and share it with others, we are offering this week as a 50hr continuing education program with Yoga Alliance international. 

Additional Schedule includes 3.5 additional daily hours in:


– In depth reflective and practice workshops

 Teaching theory and methodology

– Mini teaching practicums


Whether you’re curious about our various offerings or would like to reserve your spot on one of our retreats, immersions or trainings, we’re here to help you find the perfect experience for you.